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Find Your Voice @ Singing Circle

I run 2 community Singing Circles on a fortnightly basis at in Summer Hill.

Non-singers, shy singers, hairbrush divas and the simply curious - all welcome!

All Ages Women's Singing Circle

Wednesdays - Fortnightly

 10am - 11.30am

Single session $20pp

5 sessions $95

Finding Our Voices Community Singing Circlw

Thursdays - Fortnightly

 7pm - 8.30pm

Single session $28pp

5 session $125

The Little Big House

Flour Mill Way, Summer Hill

Click Book Now to see upcoming dates.

**If cost is a prohibitive factor in you being able to attend, please let me know. I aim to have some discounted places available for those in financial struggles. All communication about this will be strictly confidential.**

At Singing Circle there's no wrong or right notes, no sheet music, no auditions. 


Songs are taught by ear, in a relaxing environment.  We'll get to know traditional and new songs - some from far away lands and from times long ago. We'll add harmonies as we're ready for a complete sound bath experience for all! 


No solos or spotlights. Just a lot of fun in a group where you’ll meet new friends and (re) discover your singing self.

When we reclaim our voice, it's a huge step along the path of feeling strong, confident and connected.


All Ages Women's Singing Circle

This Singing Circle is for women, mothers, sisters and grandmothers (and  babies, toddlers and home-schooled children).


Inspired by the Singing Mamas movement in the UK, who I trained with in 2022, it’s a warm and welcoming place to connect with local women, in a grounding & supportive environment.

What people are saying...

🎵 "Highly recommended! I had a very good experience singing in the Women's Singing Circle. It was really fun and a good way to relax. The songs are easy to learn even if English is not your native language. Fiona is an amazing conductor. She made everyone feel welcome."

🎵 "When I come away from singing circle, I just feel lighter, more joyful and more connected to myself, through the music and more connected to other people."

🎵 "Fiona makes singing accessible for everyone, providing an inclusive and fun singing experience for all ages and ability. . I leave her sessions feeling energised, uplifted and peaceful. Thanks Fiona!"

🎵  "Fiona's singing circle was amazing. I thoroughly enjoyed exploring my voice in a safe, comfortable and welcoming environment. The mantras and songs have stayed with me long after the session. Thank you Fiona."

🎵"It gives me time with other women, and the unity experience lasts my whole week through"

🎵"Fiona and 'the Singing Circle' is a gem of a find! Her sessions are uplifting and good for the soul. Thank you!"

🎵"I found it interesting that our non-singers were singing and enjoying it. I suppose we are exploring our voices, and the more we do it the better we get at it too."



I can’t sing, can I still join?

Absolutely YES! is the answer. So many people have been told or believe that they cannot sing.
Singing Mamas has proven again and again that all people have their own unique singing voice to be revealed. Have you ever wondered how you can sing quite well in the shower or in the car when nobody is listening but as soon as you open your mouth to sing with others you FREEZE and a strange noise comes out?
In no time at all you will find out just how to let go of all that holds you back and sing for joy with freedom!

I’m so worried that if I come I’ll be put on the spot. Is it better that I don’t risk it?
You will never never never be put on the spot to sing alone or asked to demonstrate your part unless you have made it very clear that this is something you are comfortable with or would like to try.

I’m an experienced singer and I can read music is Singing Circle still for me?
Yes. Definitely. You certainly won’t be bored, if you are new to learning by heart, this might be a challenge you will enjoy. You’ll soon learn that there is no ‘wrong’ and your choir leader can also challenge you with more complicated parts if you'd like that.  Singing Mamas is also about community and singers of all experience levels can enjoy that!

Do I need to come each week?

Yes, Please do. It makes a huge difference to your own and to everyone else’s experience to have a full group of voices and to be able to build week-on- week new songs. Committing to a regular practise will give you the maximum benefits of singing and will also support everyone else’s learning. There is usually a waiting list of women keen to join your group.

It’s understandable that sometimes missing a session for illness etc. is unavoidable, but do please let me know in advance so that we don't wait for you at the start.


Women's Singing Circle - FAQ

I don’t have children, can I still come along?

Please do! We have plenty of women who come who are not mothers, are mothers-to- be, or who’s children are at school or even older. We’ve even had grandmothers and child-minders. Some women who are mothers prefer to come without their children which is also fine.  The underlying principle of Women's Singing Circle is that it's a child friendly space for women to feel comfortable bringing and attending to little ones during the session if they want/need to.

I do have children but I want to come without them, is that ok?

Of course. some women adore to bring their wee one for the special time together, others prefer to have the singing time totally for them! or a mixture of is also totally fine. Listen to what you really need most.

Can I bring my man along?
Sorry, but this is a no! Women's Singing Circle is crucially a space for women and children only.
It would be great to have a Singing Papas group, and a Mamas & Papas group is certainly a possibility down the track, but currently Women's Singing Circle follows the UK model of offering a (people who identify as) women only space.


The Singing Mamas model

Singing Mamas was founded in the UK in 2010 by Kate Valentine.  


It is based on the National Health Service (NHS) 5 ways to mental wellbeing framework alongside the Maternal Mental Health Alliance (UK) guidelines for peer support.

● Singing improves breathing, posture and muscle tension and contributes to mothers’ physical wellbeing

● Singing releases endorphins which deliver pain relief and improved mood

● Singing reduces stress hormone levels, benefiting the immune system

● Singing stimulates cognitive function through learning new songs

● Singing helps forge social bonds particularly quickly, improving social networks
amongst mothers

● Singing creates a positive shared experience between mother and infant and
increases mothers’ confidence in her parenting abilities

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